Welcome to the new Lulu Line IDs! Cindy is taking a break, but I used and needed the information she faithfully collected over the years, so I decided to pick up the site and keep it going. Give me some time - I just got all the old pictures and I'm working on formatting the site so that it will be as easy to use as before. If you are interested in sponsoring the site, please
contact me and I'll make sure to get you a banner price list asap! All $ collected will go toward maintenance of the site, including the all-important photo storage. If you have a M2M line that you'd like to advertise, let me know! Also, if you have information about Baby Lulu, notice anything missing or any mistakes, please send it along. I'm not an expert, just a reseller that needed the prints. I'm hoping to get everything up and beautiful in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!